Welcome to Wyoming Dental Specialties where our well-trained professionals use cutting-edge technology to provide caring service. Unlike a traditional dental practice, we have specialists working at our office to ensure that our patients receive the highest-quality care from professionals who have trained in specific areas of dentistry. Our orthodontist uses the latest techniques for straightening teeth, our oral surgeons are the ones to trust for implant placement, and our endodontist utilizes state-of-the-art equipment for your care. We provide oral and maxillofacial surgery, endodontics, and orthodontics in Evanston, Wyoming, and the surrounding areas of Kemmerer, Diamondville, Cokeville, Lincoln County, Sweetwater County, and Uinta County, Wyoming, as well as Rich County, Utah. Drs. Alvin Stosich, Tate Viehweg, Jared Brown, and Les Walker specialize in these fields and are passionate about helping you achieve optimal oral health. Call our practice today if you want to schedule an appointment.

New Patient Forms
Your first visit to Wyoming Dental Specialties can be completed smoothly and efficiently if you fill out our new patient forms beforehand.
Our Services
We provide specialized services to give you optimal oral health, including orthodontics, endodontics, and oral and maxillofacial surgery.
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The Team
Come and meet the endodontist, orthodontist, and oral surgeons who provide a full spectrum of specialized care for our patients.
Meet The TeamOrthodontics, Endodontics, and Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery in Evanston, WY and Surrounding Areas

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"Convinient is the word that comes to mind. Not having to miss work and school to get my kid’s wisdom teeth removed is a huge plus. Staying local is the way to go."

"The luxury of these kinds of services available without traveling out-of-state is hard to beat."

"Wyoming Dental Specialties provides all of the dental services you would find in Utah, only closer to home and more affordable considering you don’t have to make a day out of visiting the specialists!"