Your periodontal tissues play several important roles in the overall health and function of your mouth. Not only do they help hold your teeth in place, but your gums also appear in your smile. Periodontal health problems like gingivitis and other forms of gum disease can cause discomfort and lead to other oral health problems. Many of these conditions are... read more »
Wisdom teeth, unfortunately, don’t get their name because they bring you greater wisdom. Actually, they got that name because they usually come in when people are in their late teens or early twenties. If increased brain power is not one of the symptoms of wisdom teeth, what are some of the symptoms? If your wisdom teeth have erupted or come... read more »
Patients hear the phrase “root canal” and they often automatically fear the worst. Root canals have gotten a bad reputation over the years, but the truth is that a root canal is often needed to save an infected tooth, and promote overall oral health. If left untreated, you could experience pain in the area, and the tooth itself may have... read more »