Dental Implants: Common Questions Answered

Dental implants are strong, reliable and top-notch dental restorations that can help you in a myriad of ways. If you have questions about this dental treatment, then our doctors, Drs. Stosich, Viehweg, Brown, and Walker are happy to help you find the answers. The more you know about dental implants, the better choice you can make for you and your... read more »

Dental Implants Replace Your Teeth and Boost Your Oral Health

If you have a missing tooth, then you need to consider replacing it. This is because replacing your tooth can help you, your smile and your oral health in a myriad of ways. If you don’t replace your tooth, you could suffer the consequences, like misaligned teeth and other dental issues. So, it’s best to replace your tooth as soon... read more »

Dental Implants for A Healthy Smile

When we think about replacing missing teeth, we may want to do so in order to approve our appearance. You may feel self-conscious about your lost teeth, and you may have gotten tired of finding ways of concealing your smile. Aside from the cosmetic issues, there are very important reasons for filling in the gaps in your smile. Missing teeth... read more »

Replace Your Lost Teeth with Effective Treatments Such as Dental Implants

Do you have any missing teeth? Are you in line for a tooth extraction in the near future? Would you like to ensure that your jaw will remain strong with a full smile? Replace your lost teeth with effective treatments such as dental implants. Dental implants work by installing a natural-looking tooth replacement directly into the void left behind. They... read more »