Maintaining Good Periodontal Health Starts with a Consistent Oral Hygiene Routine

Your periodontal tissues play several important roles in the overall health and function of your mouth. Not only do they help hold your teeth in place, but your gums also appear in your smile. Periodontal health problems like gingivitis and other forms of gum disease can cause discomfort and lead to other oral health problems. Many of these conditions are... read more »

Protect Your Teeth from These Oral Health Risks

Protect your teeth from oral health risks in all their forms. Your teeth could be damaged from oral accidents and injuries or could wear down over time due to tooth decay. No matter that hazards your mouth is faced with, there are various habits and health risks you should be aware of. Your teeth can easily be chipped or cracked... read more »

Brushing Your Teeth During the Holidays

With the holiday season coming on fast, it is important not to get wrapped up in the festivities and neglect your oral health care. Brushing your teeth is just as important at the end of the year as it is in the beginning. It’s important to make it a year-round activity to ensure your teeth stay healthy and active for... read more »