Why Tooth Infection May Require Root Canal Therapy

Common signs of a tooth infection include tooth sensitivity, a bad toothache, pain when using the tooth, discolored tooth enamel and swollen and tender gums that have a pimple that doesn’t go away. If you have noticed tooth infection symptoms affecting your smile, we would be happy to discuss how root canal therapy can stop the tooth from being infected.... read more »

Regain Lost Dental Function With Root Canal Therapy

Is an infected or inflamed tooth causing you to have a painful toothache? Have you been told that root canal therapy may be in your best interest to restore normal function to the tooth? We will gladly provide your treatment options and help you determine if root canal therapy is right for your weakened tooth. Root canal therapy is a... read more »

The Answers You Need About Endodontic Therapy

If you have a root canal treatment quickly approaching, you must have a lot of questions. Well, you are not alone and you’ve come to the right place to find out more. Root canal treatment, which is also known as endodontic therapy, is a beneficial treatment that can restore your oral health and repair your aching, decayed, and infected tooth.... read more »