How Gum Disease Affects the Mouth

One of the most prevalent diseases we treat in our office is periodontal disease. Because this disorder can do so much destruction to your teeth and gums, you should know what causes it and how to avoid it. Gum disease, also called pyorrhea and periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums that causes harm to and threatens your pearly... read more »

How to Properly Restore Your Oral Health Following Wisdom Tooth Extraction

If you're about to undergo wisdom tooth surgery in Evanston, Wyoming, good for you! You're about to improve your oral health. Now remember: after your treatment, it's important to properly recover. Otherwise, you can experience complications that can harm your smile. To help you recover, Drs. Stosich, Viehweg, Brown, and Walker have some helpful tips for you. First, stop the... read more »

The Answers You Need About Endodontic Therapy

If you have a root canal treatment quickly approaching, you must have a lot of questions. Well, you are not alone and you’ve come to the right place to find out more. Root canal treatment, which is also known as endodontic therapy, is a beneficial treatment that can restore your oral health and repair your aching, decayed, and infected tooth.... read more »

Causes That Require Root Canal Therapy

Root canal therapy is required for any damage that is sustained to your pulp within your root canal. If left untreated, damage to your pup will destroy your tooth and potentially inflict life-threatening disorders upon the body due to serious infections. To prevent this from occurring, and to save the tooth, a root canal therapy is needed. The pulp within... read more »

Are You in Need of a Root Canal?

Are you in need of a root canal? A root canal is a treatment exclusively used to fix or protect a tooth that has suffered irreversible damage to their pulp within the root canal of a tooth. The pulp is the life-force of a tooth, as it contains the important nerve endings, connective tissues, and blood vessels for the tooth.... read more »

Brushing Your Teeth During the Holidays

With the holiday season coming on fast, it is important not to get wrapped up in the festivities and neglect your oral health care. Brushing your teeth is just as important at the end of the year as it is in the beginning. It’s important to make it a year-round activity to ensure your teeth stay healthy and active for... read more »