Root canals have gotten a bad rap over the years. Comedians make root canal jokes, and of course, many people have said the famous phrase “I would rather get a root canal than (fill in the blank).” In all honesty, root canals allow dentists and specialists to save teeth that in the past would have needed to be extracted. At... read more »
Although endodontics is often thought of as a separate entity within dentistry, it is actually a specialized branch within a field of oral health care. Thus, endodontists are highly trained for normal dental procedures and have received an additional two years of advanced medical training to provide endodontic treatments necessary to protect your mouth. Endodontics refers to the focus on... read more »
Patients hear the phrase “root canal” and they often automatically fear the worst. Root canals have gotten a bad reputation over the years, but the truth is that a root canal is often needed to save an infected tooth, and promote overall oral health. If left untreated, you could experience pain in the area, and the tooth itself may have... read more »
Root canal therapy is required for any damage that is sustained to your pulp within your root canal. If left untreated, damage to your pup will destroy your tooth and potentially inflict life-threatening disorders upon the body due to serious infections. To prevent this from occurring, and to save the tooth, a root canal therapy is needed. The pulp within... read more »
Are you feeling pain or discomfort from your mouth and suspect that a tooth is to blame? If so, you probably have a toothache. Remedies for toothaches depend on the damage involved. If your toothache persists, you could be at a high risk for infection and serious problems not only with your teeth but your overall health. A toothache is... read more »
Are you in need of a root canal? A root canal is a treatment exclusively used to fix or protect a tooth that has suffered irreversible damage to their pulp within the root canal of a tooth. The pulp is the life-force of a tooth, as it contains the important nerve endings, connective tissues, and blood vessels for the tooth.... read more »